Politicians have to learn to serve – Archbishop

On the eve of the ruling CD party convention the head of the Catholic Church in Panama, has issued a reminder  that those who are in charge have to recognize that they are there to “serve”.

Metropolitan archbishop Jose Domingo Ulloa said Friday, August 31, that "politicians really need a twist" and must understand that this is an act of service that must be completed and not dwell on "mere speech".

"I wish we were able to say there are such good people to choose from and never have the option of choosing the lesser evil," Ulloa said when asked on TVN News about the picture that is emerging for the general election of 2014 .
Politicians need to understand that they are there to serve which means a big challenge for the elections, said the Archbishop.
Ulloa said he believes in the opportunity to change people and politicians to understand the concept of "serving the people" ahead of the 2014 elections.