Hired hitmen claims not supported Attorney General

Panama’s Attorney General, Jose Ayu Prado said the deputy chairman of the National Assembly, Sergio Gálvez cannot "support the statements" he made to the media about hired hitmen.

 During the National Assembly debate on electoral reforms, Gálvez said that he knew that assassins had been hired to attend the assembly.
The claim was denied by deputies and spokesmen of the opposition the Democratic Revolutionary and Panameñista parties who claimed that had lied and asked him to say who had hired the thugs.
Following a series of protests on the steps of the National Assembly Gálvez ordered the sessions closed to the public and debates took place only in the presence of MPs, journalists and staff.
Ayu Prado said on RPC Radio that Galvez now says he had no direct sources of information and cannot “categorically” support the claims he made to the media.