Nobel Prize laureate in Panama warns on planets future

A Nobel Prize laureate issued a stark warning about the future of an overdeveloped planet at an international science conference in Panama on Wednesday, October 17.

Yuan-Tseh Lee from Taiwan, won Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986 for his work on the dynamics of chemical reactions, was speaking at the XIV National Congress of Science and Technology, in the City of Knowledge.

Lee’s address was "Sustainability and human society." and he spoke of the growing world population, overexploitation of resources, consumerism and waste generation, global warming and the consequences for the future of humanity.
"It's time to wake up and accept that our world is overdeveloped. We need to find a new way of development, which harnesses the energy of the sun and in harmony with nature, to attack poverty and hunger that is sustainable, just and equitable," he said.
The congress organized by the Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC with support from the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation ( Senacyt).