Fired health workers reinstated as strike ends

Health workers who were fired during a nine day strike will be reinstated after a six hour meeting between health authorities and the Anapate Union. Six of the sacked nursing assistants were pregnant.

The meeting on Wednesday, October 31 involved officials of the Social Security Fund (CSS), the Ministry of Health (MoH) and representatives of the National Association of Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and Technical (Anpate). A consensus was reached that November 30 is the deadline for both the MoH and the CSS to reclassify and make wage adjustments to all staff of these institutions
Workers in Santo Tomas Hospital will get their adjustments from the MOH on December 15.
The 35 workers who were fired for participating in demonstrations will be reinstated
Jorge Perez , president of Anpate said that the agreement was achieved thanks to the good faith of all partiesand the Catholic Church represented by Father Eusebio Muñoz, guarantor of the agreement.