Distrust of government hampers Colon dialogue

Distrust of the Martinelli government is hampering the “dialogue” between the administration and representatives of different groups in Colon, and another protest march has been called for Tuesday, November 13.

Edgardo Voitier

Edgardo Voitier. leader of the Broad Front for Colón said that the group does not trust the government in regard to the dialogue over the future of the city, La Prensa reported on Sunday ,November 11.

 "The government says that this dialogue is not a negotiation, but a simple conversation, but the people want economic justice," he said, saying the group will not continue to participate without a commitment by the government to the future of Colón.
 "This government does not give us any confidence, which is why we do not trust them," he said.
 Voitier announced a march Tuesday afternoon through the city to demonstrate its concern with the process so far.
 "We are going to go to the streets with more determination," Voitier said. "We don't want hesitations, tricks, delays or disappointments."
 He expects a number of groups to take part in the march, including students and unions.