“Life support for militarism — ex-minister

More voices have joined  a leading member of the ruling administration in criticizing the remilitarization of the Panama police and the growing power of Security Minister Raul Mulino.

Gloria Moreno de Lopez, who resigned as Minister of the National Customs Authority (ANA) denounced the excessive power that the Security Ministry will have, with the merger of ANA and the Migration Service.
"As a democrat I do not agree with the concentration of so much power in one man [Mulino]. And asI fought against the military dictatorship, I cannot remain in a government that is reborn according to militarism," said the ex funcionary, a long standing member of the Democratic Change (CD) party.
La Prensa reported that she expressed concern that the people are disappointed in the Government, and that the man who concentrates that power can become "the boss of the country."
 Mulino, who 16 days ago had a public row with the Minister of Education, Lucy Molinar, who called him "irresponsible", said “no one is buying equipment to militarize the country. "
"If they are happy with ghosts and reviving the country selling scenarios that do not exist, as we know it [Moreno Lopez] I do what you can … There are some people who like to live in 1980 and have not migrated. If they see ghosts, purchase a Ouija board," he said.
Mulrino  had voiced similar derisive comments  during his spat with fellow cabinet minister Molinar.
Martinelli said Moreno was upset "because she disagreed with the merger of Immigration and Customs Enforcement" and immediately announced the name of the person who will replace her.

Virna Luque,  is current Secretary General of the Ministry of Security, who worked near the man who once again put the executive in the eye of the storm, Jose Raul Mulino, says La Prensa. In an interview with the newspaper, published November 21, the 74 year old surgeon surgeon until last Monday the minister of National Customs Authority (ANA), discussed the issue.
“The president said your resignation is because you do not agree with the merger “said La Prensa,
Being President of the Republic must conform to the truth. If anyone agreed to the merger, it was me. Meetings started in 2010 and we have the records to prove that I did not miss any meetings. However, the security minister, who is who he is., and receiving so much power, missed many.
Other comments she made …
“The concentration of power in one man is going to bring that man to think of becoming the boss of the country… It is giving life support to militarism …
“I felt by a little upset by the way the President has treated me. I do not know if he was poisoned …
“I told him a year ago: President, look who's advising, because you are doing contradictory things…
“Open your eyes Mr. President, your enemies may be close to you and you do not realize it, and your real friends are away …
Moreno has joined the group of high-profile officials of the government of change that has clashed publicly with Mulino : Mayor Roxana Mendez, the deputy minister of governmen, Gustavo Perez, the Minister of Education, Lucy Molinar, and the former director of the Migration Service María Cristina González says La Prensa..
The media battle waged with Molinar during national holidays over military deployment of the security forces, gave the cabinet little credibility.There have been more than three public fights with the mayor of over the Children Act, the role of trustees in prisons and the carrot law. He was about to lose the war with the former director of the Police Gustavo Perez, who opposed a bill of his own making, to judge the police. He resigned, but later repented and stayed in office.
"When you have nothing to say, we talk about anything." Said Mulino to statements of Lopez Moreno, and leaders of various sectors for that his ministry "is taking too much power and that it is the same framework as the extinct Defense Forces."
Mulino said that "like it or not" he is empowered by law to issue (along with President Martinelli) decrees creating public measures related to the issue of national security."