Drinking limits lifted for Panama Carnival

On the heels of a city decree with rules to ensure "decency and public morality " during Carnival in Panama, came the lifting of restrictions on the sale and consumption of alcohol.

La Prensa file photoFrom Saturday February 9 until Wednesday February 13, 2013, the guiding "Carrot Law" mandating bar hours been suspended, which will allow "the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages" without restrictions in the district of Panama.
For five days the bars, pubs, discos, barbecues, entertainment centers, hotels, casinos and supermarkets, will be serving and selling alcoholic beverages without fear of prosecution.
The measure will take effect from 12:01 am on Saturday, February 9 and run until 11:59 pm on Wednesday February 13, although the general return to work is by midday on Wednesday
The decision was made, says the city, to allow Panamanians and visitors residing in the country to celebrate the Carnival with no curfew.
The announcement was by mayoral decree #717 of January 15, 2013.