Not so musical chairs in Chame mayors office

A day after being stripped of his post, the mayor of Chame who has a three year jail sentence hanging over his head, was back in office with an audit of his activities left in mid air.

Mayor  Mayorga back behind his desk claims political persecution.

A judge ordered the reinstatement of Euclides Mayorga after a legal move that revealed flaws in the process  followed by governor, Mayín Correa, who fired him on Thursday, February 7.

Mayorga has served 30 years as head of the commune of Chame and has a checkered history including political party hopping and corruption scandals and illegal land sales.
 After Mayorga was fired by Correa, and replaced by a fellow CD activist, Mayorga’s lawyers brought an action before Judge Ricardo Mazza, alleging that Correa pushed him out of office without having been notified of the decision of the Second Superior Court of Justice confirming a conviction three years in prison for crimes against public administration (in this case extortion, bribery).
“The resolution is not duly executed," was the reason given by the judge for reinstating the mayor.
'Her(Mayín Correa) advisers did not serve her well and were motivated, by the desire to give the job to (Jose) Solis Shepherd (Deputy Mayor). . . 'said Mayorga, after returning to his office at City Hall shortly before noon on Friday
According Mayorga , Correa promised in Solis- a fellow Democratic Change party member -that he would get the office. 'But I will not be knocked off so easily . . . because the problem is political, "he said.
Now, the Second Court of CV Mayorga must formally notify the decision of the Second Superior Court of Justice and give five business days to respond says La Estrella, which unsuccessfully tried to get a response from the governor.
In this time period (which would end the week after Carnival) the Mayor may bring an action to stop the original court decision, which would correspond to an appeal, according to judicial sources,
Otherwise, Mayorga would be separated from office and face sentencing.
Hours before the return of Mayorga Solis had entered the office. And announced changes including a far reaching seeking potential 'flaws and illegalities'.
'This has nothing to do with politics, is a decision of the judicial sphere, "Solis said
Mayorga had jumped from the Panamenista Party to the ruling CD two months after the election. He returned to the Panamenistas three weeks before being fired.