CD presidential candidate Roux says keep it clean

The infighting between would-be presidential candidates from the ruling Cambio Democratico (CD) is under way with two months to go before the primary.

Candidate Rómulo Roux said on Monday, March 25,that if there is a challenger within his party who is using state funds for political means, then that person is not "a legitimate candidate."

"I hope that it is not true [that someone is using state funds] because that dilutes the campaign that we are doing, then we would have a candidate who is not legitimate," Roux said.

The candidate made the statement after being told of allegations that one of the candidates of the CD is allegedly using state funds for the campaign. Roux, who has the support of six  ministers,said that campaigns should be based on proposals and not on personal attacks." reports La Prensa

"There can be no differentiation between the base of the CD and the members from other parties," he said. "If there is dirty campaign, I am against this and any kind of pressure."

The CD has been divided into different camps by the primary, which features three former ministers and no clear favorite.

Former Minister of Housing José Domingo Arias and Giselle Burillo, former Small and Medium-Size Business director are also competing against Roux, the former foreign minister.