Martinelli claims promises fulfilled

In a campaign style speech at a photo op ceremony on Tuesday, April 9, President Ricardo Martinelli avoided references to the “Machiavellian” plot related to the garbage dump fires and to the continuing transit crisis.

President   Martinelli and Vice-President Juan Carlo Navaro at the foundation laying ceremony at Curundu when they were still political allies

He said that his government, unlike previous administrations, backed up its campaign promises with action when it took office in 2009.

"It is easy to make promises, but we didn't put our administration on autopilot and not do anything," Martinelli said at a ceremony marking the final stage of the Curundú project.
Hesaid that his government has achieved changes in the country and he criticized previous administrations for failing to deliver promised projects to the people. He said the country is filled with "politicians who never did anything."
Martinelli, who was accompanied by Minister of Social Development , Guillermo Ferrufino, who wants to be mayor of Panama, said that the Curundú project is just one example of positive changes made under his rule.