DROUGHT CRISIS: Fun in the city ends at 10 pm, state of emergency in four provinces

LATE NIGHT partying, shopping, gambling and even movie-going are at an end, as Panama continues to struggle to with the energy crisis and a state of emergency has been declared in four drought stricken provinces.

The Fortuna reservoir nearing danger level

The Fortuna and Bayano reservoirs are on the verge of hitting the minimum levels to enable them to generate power, due to lack of rain and forecasts say the current dry season could be extended for the next 10 days due to the lack of rain, the government tightened measures to energy rationing in the public and private sector .

The Cabinet starting Wednesday May 8 today, closing supermarkets, cinemas, bars, pubs, casinos, discos, nightclubs and entertainment centers Monday through Thursday from 10:00 pm until 6:00 a.m.
Air conditioners must be turned off between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm for offices, malls, shops and other activities.
The measures are in addition to those announced by the Government earlier, including the suspension of classes for three days in public and private schools (primary, secondary and university), the reduction of work hours for government employees and changing the start time for the working day 7.30 am.
A "state of emergency" has been declared in Cocle, Veraguas, Los Santos and Herrera suffering from an extended drought putting farm livestock at risk.