New kids on the electoral block

 WITH THE 2014 election a little over 11 months away,  the Frente Amplio por la Democracia (FAD) is poised to be certified as a party.

The party says it has 64,000 signatures, the number required to become a certified party.
In recent weeks the party has made a push to enroll new members.
Tribunal Electoral Judge (TE) Erasmo Pinilla said that he thinks the party will acheive its goal, though he said that the signatures still have to be verified.
"I believe, and I have great faith, that they will reach the magic number," he said.
The FAD was registered on July 12 by members of unions.
The fact that the FAD will enter the political arena is considered by many as a "vote divider” but this opinion is not shared by political analyst Mario Rognoni, says La Prensa
Rognoni said the FAD will not take more than 6 percent of the votes, but said it could increase its share if it presents itself in a more mainstream manner. "They must find the right candidate," he said.