After the drought flooding

A SCHOOL wall collapsed and 30 homes were flooded in Colon province following heavy rains on Thursday May 16.

More rain is forecast and residents in several areas have been warned to take preventative measures.
Strong downpours that have been registered in various sectors of Colón since yesterday have caused flooding, officials from civil defense agency Sinaproc reported.
Sinaproc official Jaime Ospino reported that 30 houses were flooded in the sectors of Río Indio, Miguel de la Borda and Achiote.
He added that a wall in the Piedra River School in Marí¬a Chiquita collapsed, while Fantasma Creek in Cativa overflowed, flooding parts of Vía Transístmica.
Sinaproc officials said they are monitoring the affected areas. They recommended that people living in areas of risk take preventive measures because more rain is forecast.