Media revelations isolate Financial Pacific defendant

MAYTE PELLEGRINI, the chief suspect in a multi-million dollar fraud case at Financial Pacific reports that she has been isolated in the Women's Rehabilitation Centre.

She claims that her three cellmates were taken to another place because she talked to TVN, Estrella and La Prensa during the previous week, reports La Prensa

When she asked why the measure was taken, one of the custodians answered with another question: "six pages in the newspaper will appear shortly?".

"They want to punish me for telling the truth and fight for my rights, but they will not get me to take back," she said in a letter and said that she no longer had phone access to her lawyer or family

The director of the prison system, Angel Calderon, confirmed that, an administrative penalty was applied for violating the provisions prohibiting inmates talking on cell phone.

The executive secretary of the Citizens Alliance for Justice, Magaly Castillosaid , it would seem that Pellegrini has been applied a "retaliation" for statements given to the media, which violates her human rights.

Pelligrinia the main accused for embezzling millions in the FP brokerage last week revealed what would be the increased intrusion of the judiciary allegedly favoring the president, Ricardo Martinelli.

She explained how she was allegedly forced to unlink President Martinelli from the scandal and modify her original statementd

Pellegrini has been held since November 20, 2012, following a fraud complaint filed by West Valdes and Ivan Clare then FP managers.

The complaint gave rise to serious allegations that touched directly to President Martinelli.

Two days after surrendering to justice (22 to November 28), Pellegrini explained that Valdes and Clare had said publicly that a secret account called High Spirit opened to "manipulate the stock market with shares of Petaquilla". "And it was President Martinelli".

A month later, when La Prensa published details of the case, the prosecution called Pellegrini to expand its investigation, and in the statement she recanted.

On December 26 Pellegrini said: "I only repeated what Mr. Ivan Clare said in the office on different occasions. I do not know that this account is Mr. Martinelli ".

However, she now asserts that this statement was written by the then Attorney's Office, Jose Ayu Prado, now judge of the Supreme Court, appointed in the government of Ricardo Martinelli.

"My retraction was written by [Ricardo] Ricki Solis and Jose Ayu Prado. None of what I said was out of my mouth, but theirs.
Last year, Ayu Prado, still in its capacity as Attorney's Office, received a letter bearing the letterheadof Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal, where this wrote that he had an account for more than 10 years in FP. That letter arrived on November 23, 2012, just when Pellegrini began to reveal what happened in the brokerage.

La Prensa reported Wednesday a meeting in the Sheraton hotel cafe .between former FP director Clare and Frankie Martinelli, one of the characters mentioned by the Prosecutor of Naples, Italy, in international investigations into corruption in the file of Finmeccanica

Clare is one of the Pacific Financial executives who accused Pellegrini of fraud.

In January La prensa reported a meeting in The Bristol between Martinelli insider Salomon Shama and West Valdes at The Bristol where a manila rnvelope changed hands