Nicaragua Canal Route decided

THE ROUTE for the proposed Nicaraguan canal has already been decided and work will begin next year according to HKND the Hong Kong company master minding the project.

Wang Jing, president of HKND said that although a feasibility report is currently being carried out, "the framework" for the project has already been defined. "There wont be small changes, but there are no major changes," said the businessmen when specifying the route: Hound Sound Bar (South of Isla del Venado, in Bluefields Bay) – Escondido River – Rama River – Oyate River – Lake Nicaragua – Las Lajas River – Brito River.

Elpueblopresidente Nicaragua reports: "This route is the most convenient because it requires less investment costs and smaller soil excavation. In addition, the geological characteristics of the area facilitate this activity. The topography of the land where it is located is relatively flat with an upward slope of 2% in the first 54 km from its beginning on the coast of the Atlantic”

"I am 100% sure that construction will begin in December 2014 and will end in five years, in 2019," said Jing, adding that "it is very clear to us that Lake Nicaragua is the country's mother lake, a symbol, like the Yellow River is to China. Therefore protection of this lake is the focal point of our feasibility report. "

Jing explained that the money for the studies for the road has been secured with funds from China, Europe and the USA "Our investors are large banks and other large institutions. These are first class investors," he stressed.