Ministers spending makes fired ombudsperson look small time

THE BIG TIME spending and selective   of Panama’s recently fired former ombudsperson is peanuts compared to the contracts handed out by the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ampyme) the National Assembly was told on Monday.

The ministerial department is headed by Giselle Burillo, and Panameñista Party deputy, Jose Luis Varela called for a citation to have her appear before the Assembly to explain why seven contracts were awarded to the same company Strategic Consultants Panama, SA, and made to look like one project.

Burillo, said on Telemetro reports that she has not broken the law of public procurement.
"I do not do anything other than exactly what the law says public procurement through the Panama purchase portal " Burillo said.
She , denied knowing the owners of Strategic Consultants Panama, SA, a company that won seven Ampyme public contracts in the month of July.
"That is not my job and if I knew … I do not I have to  question that company ".