Conference underway to flesh out rules for Nicaraguan Canal

IT APPEARS that no grass is growing under the feet of the players in the proposed construction of Nicaraguan Inter-Oceanic Canal, which has prompted the calling of a conference “to explain the rules”

The conference is being organized August 13 by the Nicaraguan American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), and will include the participation of HKND Group spokesman Ronald MacLean-Abaroa and Alberto Vega, a representative from Environmental Resources Management (ERN), the firm responsible for the environmental impact studies says El Economista

"We are bringing first-hand to our membership and the Nicaraguan people clarification on the current state of the canal, what progress has been made in these feasibility studies and how far we think it will go," said the president of AmCham, Diego Vega.

"Everything has been moving very quickly and it is important to take a pause, to take a moment to have firsthand discussion with the people who are managing the project, so that they can clearly convey to us to where we stand," he added.

"We are going to continue to monitor this process and that is something that from day one we have been asked to do.Investors who are not clear on the rules will not invest in Nicaragua," said the official..