CSS claims warnings of about killer medicine not ignored

Social Security officials said Friday, August 23, that they did not ignore warnings about the use of heparin containingbenzyl alcohol, on newborns.

The use of that medicine was identified as the cause of death of nine newborns in the Social Security Medical Complex in June.

Media reports have highlighted a 2012 study that warned against using heparin containing benzyl alcohol in newborns says La Prensa.
But Social Security officials said that the study was cited "in a biased manner" and rejected the notion that the entity did not take the proper precautions.
"The reports are clearly being manipulated for the purpose of doing harm to this administration," Social Security officials said in a statement.
It added that the warnings were not included in the original 2012 report but in an update issued in July 2013, after the infant deaths.
The agency was critical of the media reports, saying the media has made "an excessive effort to discredit the work of not only the Social Security administration, but also of the President of the Republic with lies and misinformation."