Alternative PRD presidential candidate mooted

JUAN CARLOS Navarro’s presidential ambitions are in danger of being thwarted, not by a dynamic opponent but by his own party.

Francisco Sánchez Cárdenas

Navarro chosen to carry the PRD banner into battle with the CD candidate José Domingo Arias has been running a lack luster campaign against a challenger who is hardly lighting fires in the breasts of voters.

To cap it, he recently had a secret meeting with President Ricardo Martinelli,which re-ignited earlier concerns among the PRD hierarchy that some kind of deal was being hatched. 

Now they are demanding an explanation about the meeting with Martinelli.

Former party president Francisco Sánchez Cárdenas put in on the line on Sunday September 15 and said that t if something doesn't change "we will seek a way for another candidate."
According to Sánchez Cárdenas, Navarro and his team are running a campaign that is helping CD presidential candidate Domingo Arias.
"Juan Carlos Navarro and his team are wrong in how they are running the campaign," Sánchez Cárdenas said. "In this country, people want a debate on proposals."
He also alleged that a year ago and half ago former PRD General Secretary Mitchell Doens was offered a bribe by CD officials to undermine the party. That is why he is concerned about the meeting between Navarro and Martinelli, and why he wants an answer about what was discussed.
The deadline for entering the presidential race is Jan. 4, 2014. Some PRD members have said privately they would like to see another candidate and are deeply suspicious of “dirty Tricks” from a party with deep pockets that is believed to have “bought” many of its supporters in the legislator and around the country
Navarro met with PRD leaders this week to discuss his campaign and attempt to resolve some of the differences. Party President Benicio Robinson said about the internal friction that: "there are differences of opinions that must be respected."