Airport workers strike averted


A strike of   workers. including  bagge handlers  at the  five airpots managed by State owned Tocmen S.A. was called off  on Wednesday May 8. After day long negotiaions that ended at 10 p.m.

The work stoppage called by the  Union of Airport Workers of Panama (UTAP) had been set to start at 7 p.m. on Thursday

To avoid the strike, Tocumen agreed to include the workers who are in charge of checking the luggage with a tomograph in the salary scale agreed in the collective agreemkkekeent.

With the agreement reached ye, both parties committed to continue talking about the pending issues related to wage claims.

Tocumen manages the airports of Río Hato, David, Colón and Panamá Pacífico.  

Last year, personnel spending increased 23.9%, from $21.3 million dollars in 2017 to $26.4 million .