Highway blockade lifted as evictions begin

THE PAN AMERICAN Highway, which had been blocked by indigenous protestors at five locations in Madugandí county reopened late Tuesday afternoon, October 1.

The route was reopened after agreement wa reached between the National Police director, Julio Molto, the chief of the district Madugandi in Bayano, Ricardo Lopez and district general secretary, Antonio Nunez.

The agreement means that two families in the community of Los Lagos, near the Bayano Dam will be evicted because they are squatting on indigenous land.
Evictions will be continued until October 15, as part of consensual agreement between the government and the Indians.
The residents of the comarca had blocked the Highway to demand the eviction of 150 families they say are living illegally in the comarca.
Chief Héctor Pérez said the residents closed the highway at four locations, Bayano, Ipeti, Waucuco and Canazas to demand government action.
Néstor Peña, a Waucuco local chieftain, believes that it is possible that the government has not ordered the eviction of the squatters because they fear losing their votes
According to Perez, the squatting has been tolerated due to the apathy of various governments.