Varela hits back at food price control critics

PANAMANENISTA PRESIDENTIAL candidate Juan Carlos Varela’s campaign proposal to impose price controls on food has been attacked by both of his major rivals, but on Friday, October 4, he hit back.

CD candidate José Domingo Arias said price controls, would hurt the economy.

Varela,  responded: "Arias knows very well that making a call to create more 'jumbo fairs' is not a serious plan to reduce the cost of living, but the political and economic powers that he represents prevent him from supporting price controls,"
Arias is the candidate backed by President Ricardo Martinelli, owner of the 99 supermarket chain.
Varela’s proposal was also attacked by PRD candidate Juan Carlos Navarro, who said that promising price controls shows a lack of respect to intelligent and educated Panamanians.
Vareal said that his plan for government is comprehensive and will help Panamanian families to bring cheap food to their tables.