Upset taxi drivers may block city roads

ROAD CLOSURES by angry taxi owners could be coming up this week if an apparent boondoggle with National Police traffic cops is not sorted out.

The secretary general of the Union of Workers of Panama Taxis , Rafael Reyes, said that closures could not be ruled out because of what he called abuse by agents of the Traffic Operations Division of the National Police .

Reyes said that in recent weeks police have ordered some taxis towed for allegedly not having the correct stickers allowing them to operate, with the police apparently unaware that the process for granting the car plates does not start until October 20 .
He said that because the process has not begun the Transport Unthority (ATTT) had given drivers a “receipt” allowing them to provide service.
However, this is not being respected by the police, he said, and taxi drivers must pay fines and tow service.
Reyes said that on Monday, October 7 , drivers would be going to the Transportation Committee of the National Assembly to air the problem.