Panama medical deadlock continues

THE COORDINATOR of the National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal ), Domingo Moreno said Sunday, October 6 , that the group will not meet with health authorities to begin implementation of Law 69, which allows the hiring of foreign specialists in the health sector .
" We can ignore the call because they do not have the height we are asking . We want to talk to the President [ Ricardo Martinelli ] to tell him to repeal the law," said Moreno .
The Doctor insisted that Law No. 69 must be returned to the first debate for wide discussion in the National Assembly .
Moreno said on RPC Radio that the strike level is rising and medical personnel will continue protesting peacefully in the streets across the country  to show their rejection of the Law.
Health Ministry adviser, Felix Bonilla , said that it is willing to sit down with the various healthcare organizations to clarify the questions that physicians have about the new law and to ensure that all return to their jobs tomorrow Monday, October 7 .