Complaint lodged over new police shooting incident

LESS THAN a week after police shot and killed two children who were passengers in a car in San Carlos, reports have appeared of another shooting incident involving police and a child.

On Monday, October 28, the legal advisers of the construction workers union Suntracs presented a complaint to the police department's professional responsibility board.

The complaint was related to an incident at night on Sunday October 28 night involving officers and Broad Front for Democracy leader Genaro López.
 Officers allegedly fired on the vehicle he was driving with his eight-year-old son on board.
Lopez, gave details the incident, which took place. in 24 de Diciembre He said that there was no police roadblock and that the officers did not give him any warning.
Suntracs leader Saúl Méndez said a meeting was planned to discuss what action the union will take.