Foreign bribery investigations involving Panama continue in Rome

CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into two ” foreign bribery” events allegedly fingering Panama continue in Italy.

 The investigations into pending cases against Valter Lavítola, a contact man between Italian manufacturers and the Panama Government have been resolved but Rome prosecutors continue the investigation for " foreign bribery " in the failed Panama Government contract with the Italian company Svemark to build modular prisons.

This was revealed Wednesday, November 30 by Lavítola’s attorney, Gaetano Balice reports La Prensa, Balice who claimed that his client was released from further charges while the Naples prosecutor asked the judge for a sentence of 28 months in prison for the attempted extortion against former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Balice explained that the investigation in the case of Panama is divided into two parts .
The first relates to contracts withg Agusta Westland, Selex and Telespazio to buy helicopters , radar and digital mapping , It is in the hands of the prestigious Rome prosecutor Paolo Ielo , who must set a date for a preliminary hearing after concluding the investigation.
The second, for modular – prisons from Svemark, with Mauro Velocci as the main witness, remains open.