Rally demands resignation of three judges

Over 200 people, including lawyers, politicians, and members of civil society associations, packed the steps of Panama's  Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) on Tuesday afternoon, Nov 12.

They were demanding the resignation or immediate removal of three CSJ judges.

The targets of their anger were the court's president, Alejandro Moncada Luna, and alternate judges Efren Fernandez and Gabriel Tello.
The demand comes after the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court rescind a decision of the Electoral Tribunal suspending the airing of a television attack commercial aimed at the PRD presidential candidate Juan Carlos Navarro, by the pro-government group Avanza Panama, headed by President Roberto Martinelli’s former press secretary.
"This government seems to have no end in their excessive desire of wanting to stay in power," said the president of the National Bar Association, Jose Alvarez.
"We see a danger that could lead to imprisoned media, or pursuing political leaders and unions," he added.