Undercover police shoot two women in a car

TWO WOMEN were shot Friday night, November 15. during an encounter with police officers at the entrance to Villa Zaita.


The injured persons were identified as Rosario de Godoy, 45, who was driving the car, and her mother, Leyda Núñez, 67 says La Prensa

Emed Godoy Rosario said today that his mother and grandmother were headed to Villa Lucre with other relatives when the shooting happened. He said the police were undercover and never identified themselves before shooting.
"They fired without presenting any identification," the son said.
The vehicle drove to Las Cumbres when it was stopped and the officers identified themselves.
Rosario de Godoy was taken to Santo Tomas Hospital for treatment for a bullet wound to the leg. Leyda Núñez suffered two bullet wounds, one in the leg and another in the buttocks.
Police officials said that a full statement would be released later.