Peace Corps re-affirms commitment to Ngbe-Bugl

AN AGREEMENT for Cooperation and Technical Assistance between the Congress of The Ngäbe-Buglé and the Peace Corps in Panama was signed on Wednesday November 20.

The ceremony was attended by Edilberto Sánchez , President of the Ngäbe-Bugle General Congress and the Director General of the Peace Corps in Panama , Peter La Raus .

The Peace Corps celebrates 50 years of working in Panama this year.
The agreement was signed in order to reaffirm the commitment to work closely with volunteers and district authorities in the management of water resources , sanitation , agricultural techniques , English language education , and environmental conservation .
The ties of cooperation between both sides support better development of communities of Ngäbe-Buglé says a statement from the US Embassy to Panama.
The Peace Corps provides trained American volunteers to countries around the world seeking help . The Peace Corps volunteer in Panama have worked closely with members of the Ngäbe-Bugle Comarca since 1963 , promoting peace and friendship between the two peoples.
Currently there are over 200 Peace Corps 200 volunteers in Panama from the Darien to Panama Bocas del Toro .