Tight three horse race for mayor of Panama

IF PANAMA’S mayoralty vote had been held this week, the current holder of the office would be back at her desk in city hall but it would have been a close run thing.
A  Quantix Panama poll conducted for La Prensa shows that Roxana Mendez, of the ruling Democratic Change (CD), is leading in the race by a very narrow margin, with over 10% who have not yet made a decision, meaning that any of the three major candidates could pip the others at the post.
There is also a substantial margin of error of 5.5%
Mendez is leading with 31.4% closely followed by the PRD candidate José Luis Fabrega with 29.8% and Panameñista Jose Blandon, with 28.3%.
An independent candidate is preferred by 0.3% .
A month ago, Fabrega , whose campaign posters showing him hoisting a gas can over his head have puzzled some political observers, had a clear led with 33.3%. Mendez had 26.6%and Blandon 19%. The current figures show Blandon has surged almost 10% . Blandon revealed who showed his political ambitions early on when he became the front man for former mayor Bosco Vallarino before he was squeezed out of office. During the last presidential campaign, a smiling Blandon was pictured with President Martinelli, but the relationship soured long before the CD-Panameñista coalition broke up.

Meanwhile, Bosco's whose time in office was marred by multiple missteps, is under criminal investigation.
The polling question was put to 323 residents of capital district, and 18 November 15 and 18.
Expect more fluctuations in the coming months. It is still anyone’s race with only the bookmaker a guaranteed winner.
The full results of the survey are published in the La Prensa supplement Pulse of the Nation, which runs on Monday November 25