Historical treasures continue 7-year journey in search of a home

 A COLLECTION of 21,000 Panamanian historical treasures that has been hidden from sight for seven years is on the move again and unlikely to be seen by the public in the foreseeable future.

A  museum with no room for Panama's anthroprological treasures

The collections of pieces that make up the Museum Reina Torres de Arauz (Marta) are heading for their old home on  Plaza Cinco de Mayo where they were last on display. and  will be under the foster care of the the National Institute of Culture (INAC) awaiting the start of construction of the Arts Town in Llanos de Curundú in Ancon.

 INAC director Maria Eugenia Herrera, said that the parts will remain there, while  the institute develops a strategic plan  on what to do with the building on the plaza.
Marta moved in 2006 to Curundú Plains, but did not reach the objective, of displaying the 21,000 pieces.
So, like the Flying Dutchman, the collection continues is seemingly never ending journey in search of a resting place.
In a highly critical article in November 2012 after the opening of a Tutankhamen exhibition at the museum site, La Estrella bemoaned that “Panamanian youth are instructed in the legacy of Tutankhamen. Instead of Huacas ; they wander in front of replicas of the treasures that once belonged to Ramses II , Nefertiti, Cleopatra, etc.
“Instead of exploring their own identity as Panamanians, students participate in an exhibition that has been brought from abroad, by Showpro, a company dedicated to the lucrative show business.
“What happens here is the perfect metaphor for the country in the hands of consumer spending and ostentation without sustenance: the place [anthropological museum] was created to encourage the meeting of Panamanian society with their cultural origins, but become closer to a science fiction show… evidence of contempt for the humanities and Panama’s historical and cultural heritage.
“Not the first time MARTA , which six years ago was opened in its new location on the Plains of Curundú , serves the purpose of serving as a showroom for the company that is owned by Alfredo ' Popa ' Arias.
“Last year ' Showpro ' presented the exhibition 'Dinosaurs Jurassic World ' , which was preceded by 'Leonardo da Vinci : Artist , Genius , Inventor ' . Mechanical dinosaurs took over the interior space in the first , the second , replicas of inventions and works of the Renaissance painter .
“Previously, it hosted the exhibition ' Panamanian illustrious ' ( an account of some of the most famous characters in the history ipf the Isthmus ) , which eventually became the only permanent exhibition . In 2010 the National Institute of Culture ( INAC) , which administers the museum, presented ' From the tables to the city ' which collected some of the designs that have graced the Las Tablas Carnival queens .
“And what happened to the thousands of pieces that made up the collection of this museum which opened for the first time December 15, 1976 ? What happened to the five rooms available to it during the time it lived in the old railway station of Plaza Cinco de Mayo? What happened to the sculptures and petroglyphs of the enigmatic culture of barrels , among other treasures of the pre-Columbian peoples ?
“Architect Orlando Acosta , called the Tutankhamun exhibition another 'tamal' that like the plastic dinosaurs , counterfeit Da Vinci, carnival costumes , etc' Anthropologist Ana Elena Porras , former director of the patronage of Queen Museo Torres de Arauz believes that this has happened due to ignorance on the part of the authoritiesof INAC about what should be the central theme of this museum’which is prehistoric , pre-Columbian history and ethnic groups in Panama ' … There seems to be a disdain for the native cultures and ethnicity , because for a decade INAC insists on installing exhibitions Rodin ( 2006) , Dinosaur and King ' Tut ' , which are replicas of lesser value than the original collection of our prehistory and pre-Columbian history , which rests in a tank ' he said.
“The former director of INAC , Rafael Ruiloba warns that you should not maul that function of the museum that helps to define national identity, with the aim of ' marketing a cultural product ' .
“Meanwhile , former deputy director of INAC , Manuel Nieto Orestes believes that the fact that allthe pre-Columbian collection is in boxes MARTA leaves a " vacant lot " . He argues that the exhibits that have been occurring in recent years away from the social role that this entity should fulfill.
“ 'Where are the treasures of the chiefs of the Gran Cocle ? Why bring a 'fake ' gold flavored Egypt and not present, for example, the treasures of the ancient caciques unearthed last year in 'The Pipe '?
“According to the National Magazine of Culture, 1976 (year of the founding of the MARTA ) , one of the objectives of this museum is to encourage the meeting of Panamanian society ' with its cultural historical origins.
“Ileana Golcher educator, believes the fact that MARTA is not fulfilling this function denotes an 'attempt to shake national identity. If a town loses its historical memory it is easier to handle. "

Estrella tried to talk to Sandra Cerrud , director of the Heritage Office of INAC ,