Legislator attacks journalist for coverage of hand-outs

NATIONAL ASSEMBLY President Sergio Gálvez lashed out at a journalist on Tuesday December 24, for his coverage of the annual give-away of hams, turkeys and other goodies by the legislator to his constituents in Chorillo.


Álvaro Alvarado of Corporation Medcom reported on the long lines of people waiting for tax payer funded food and gifts from the legislator. Many had slept out  on the street the night before the distribution, perceived by many as vote buying.

"It is shameful how a journalist such as Álvaro Alvarado is dedicated to criticizing this," Gálvez said. "I can't believe a man who comes from the countryside, where so many people have needs, would criticize this."
There were numerous complaints about the long lines that people had to stand in to receive the gifts with some complaining of dehydration and no seating arrangements for the elderly. But Gálvez defended the program, saying it helped "those who need it most."
Gálvez has faced scrutiny in the past over the presentation of items to residents of his district.