Martyrs flag returns to Panama

THE PANAMA FLAG that was the centerpiece of the events of Jan 9 ,1964 and was raised in the Canal Zone leading to confrontations with the US military and student deaths, arrives home from Spain January 4, after restoration.

Panamanian students raised the national flag over a school to demonstrate thier call for sovereignty over the Canal. It was to be received at 3:00 pm, at the Tocumen International Airport (Presidential lounge), in good time for the 50th anniversary of the events which ultimately led to the signing of an agreement for the handover of the Canal to Panama.

The decision to restore the flag was due to an initiative of the Citizens Movement for Strengthening National Identity, with the support of the board of the Panama Canal Authority.
This flag was restored in the Museo de America in Madrid.
On Thursday, January 9, Panama will commemorate those who died in the sovereignty struggle.