Cabinet asked to declare Panama dengue epidemic area

AS THE DENGUE death toll in the current Panama outbreak climbed to six, health authorities have asked the Cabinet Council, to declare the country a "dengue epidemic area."
Javier Diaz, head of the Ministry of Health (MoH), said the purpose is to force the population to cooperate with the elimination of breeding sites of Aedes aegypti , as the only measure to end the cycle of disease.
With this decision, said Diaz, government institutions and private companies must collaborate with dengue prevention.
This involves monitoring work areas to prevent outbreaks of infestation and to campaign to raise awareness of the importance of combating the disease.
A document presented to Cabinet warns that if institutions do not cooperate is liable to a fine between $ 50 and $ 5000, although sanctions may raise up to $1 million in case of repeat offenses.
Official reports indicate that six people are currently hospitalized on suspicion of severe dengue.