Arias accused of using publicly funded event for campaign

CD PRESIDENTIAL candidate José Domingo Arias arrived at the balloon parade in Tocumen on the weekend with his two children and a contingent of campaign workers wearing clothing carrying his campaign slogan.

Not too many soectators to woo

Opposition contenders were quick to complain that the parade was paid from public funds and organized by the Community Board in that area and the Panama City Mayor's Office, and should as  not have been used as a campaign event by Arias.

Meanwhile media reports say that the event was poorly attended as heavy rain fell over Panama city in the early afternoon, and when many would be spectators arrived the event was over, leaving dissatisfied street vendors. 

Minister of the Presidency Roberto Henríquez rushed to the defense of Arias He said that Arias should not be prevented from attending public events, and that the candidate "greeted people," as is his right.
"He went with his children to enjoy the parade," he added.