Most public offices closed for Carnaval

WORRIES about the Panama Canal extension, electionioneering,serving the public or collecting taxes, will all be set aside in Panama March 2-4 and part of March 5 — for Carnaval.

On February 5, the expected annual Executive Decree ordered the closure of national and municipal government offices to allow staff to participate in the Carnaval festivities across the country, but first public servants must put in some extra make-up time.
 According to a government press release, they must “labor “on 10 to 14, 17 to 21 and 24 of February from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm without interruption to offset their Carnaval getaway.
Some essential services are exempted from, including: the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers ( Idaan ) , hospitals , medical clinics and health center units, both Social Security and the Ministry of Health.
Firemen and police are also expected to remain on duty.
 Drivers in Panama City who are not rushing to join in the frolics in Las Tablas and elsewhere, will   get a holiday from traffic jams, once the madding throng exits.