Work on Panama Canal resumes talks continue

WORK ON the Panama Canal extension restarted on Thursday, February 20, following an earlier announcement by Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC ).

The administrator of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), Jorge Luis Quijano confirmed the resumption although there was no mixing but clearing earthworks.

ACP also reported that the bank was authorized to pay $36 million dollars that the company would deliver to GUPC.
These funds will be used to pay the workers and cancelf some debts to subcontractors.
Quijano maintained that the work will be completed in December 2015.

GUPC , meanwhile , said this they reactivated work on the construction of the third set of locks , which forms part of the expansion of the seaway.
According to GUPC the Revitalization of the work is done by following a procedure that allows the work to b full swing in the shortest time possible.

THE international consortium of Sacyr, Impregilo , Jan de Nul and Cusa said it is maintaining open communication with the CPA with the intention of signing an agreement.
"The parties are engaged in intense negotiations and which advanced on Wednesday on key issues to enable the financing and payments to subcontractors and employees of the third set of locks," said GUPC.
The contractor emphasized that negotiations will continue in order to reach a long-term agreement, which "meets the contract and applicable laws and provide funding for project completion in 2015."