Former FP brokerage employee claims political, judicial, interference

Relatives and lawyers of a woman who linked President Ricardo Martinelli’s name to a secret account allegedly set up to manipulate the stock market is claiming interference of the Executive Branch and the Judiciary and file manipulation by the Public Ministry.

The allegations were made by the lawyers and relatives of Maytte Pellegrini at a press conference on Monday, March 31.

Lawyers and family members indicated that Pellegrini is a stopped the remarks made by Pellegrini about the Martinelli, during interrogation were blocked by someone with a high political profile
Relatives of Pellegrini reported having received threats from the former directors of Financial Pacific (FP).
During a press conference in which Pellegrini said that when she learned that she was under investigation about the Financial Pacific Scandal, she voluntarily entered the country, despite having Brazilian nationality which meant she could not be extradited.
Pellegrini stressed that she wanted to prove her innocence in the research being done in the case of Financial Pacific and answer the charges against her. She is the only person arrested in the FP scandal during which an auditor from the Securities Superintendency disappeared while investigating FP.