Teachers start 48 hour strike Wednesday

PANAMA SCHOOL TEACHERS will begin a renewable 48 hour atrike over pay issues on Wednesday April 23.

48 The Association of Teachers of Panama ( ASOPROF ) decided at a general meeting on Tuesday to, start the Strike from Wednesday , while the Ministry of Education ( Meduca ) asked educators tp respect the roundtable and not be drawn by those seeking to disturb the tranquility of schools .

Diogenes Sanchez ASOPROF general secretary , said the increase of $300 , is only given to 29,300 ." We will strike the intransigent attitude of the Minister of Education , Lucy Molinar , who refuses to give us the $300 base pay," he said on RPC Radio .
The Minister of Education , appealed for respect for the dialogue table installed under the mediation of the Ombudsman.

The educational institution said that the return of teachers who will receive the $300 salary increase for having completed the process of institutional evaluation has not yet been published on the website of the institution.
For this reason, the Meduca asked not to be fooled by false messages circulating on social networks about the wage increase.