Electoral tribunal gains Ecumenical support

Electoral tribunal gains Ecumenical support

ANOTHER VOICE has been added to the growing chorus of support for Panama’s Electoral Tribunal (ET) with the only dissent  coming from pro-government leaders, including President Ricardo Martnelli.

The Ecumenical Committee of Panama on Friday  April 25, announced its support for the Electoral Tribunal, as guarantor of the elections .

In a statement, the Committee stated that the support also refers you to the figure of the president of the ET Judge Erasmo Pinilla, who has been the target of several moves to discredit him.

For the Ecumenical Committee, he  "has historically fulfilled" hisrole as guarantor of the elections,a fact that they believe explains why he has earned the respect of all citizens.

"That's why we keep confidence for his loyalty to the results of previous electoral tournaments," said the statement signed by the president of the committee, Julio Murrey.

In recent weeks the Court has been criticized by some pro-government leaders