Land scammer killers could be behind bars for 45 and 53 years

TWO CRIMINALS, currently serving jail sentences of 33 and 41 years for murder, could face an additional 12 years apiece for illegally seizing property owned by an American citizen.
– Mayra Hall and Julian Alfredo Conte Nouvet , are two of the five people convicted of usurpation of land and for the murder of former governor of Cocle Darío Fernández after he exposed a network illegally appropriating land. In May 2013 Hall was sentenced to 33 years behind bars and Nouvet to 41 years
They are now facing the possibility of an extra 12 years to be tacked on to their existing sentences for land grabbing and forgery.
 They appeared before the Sixth Tenth Court of Panama, on April 11 where they were accused of illegally seizing five farms in Cocle
If found guilty of Hall and Nouvet could be sentenced to 12 years in prison , which added to the previous sentences would increase to 45 and 53,years respectively,
According to research by prosecutor Victor Barrios, Hall and Nouvet, along with two other accomplices , staged a series of illegal transactions to appropriate the five farms and then transfer them to third parties.
In July 2008 , Nouvet put before a notary public the minutes of meeting of shareholders of the company Sonadora Heights , where new directors were appointed , leaving him with control.
To give legitimacy to the transaction, Nouvet falsified data from original records of farms and registeredthem as his, according to the case file
He then transferred the five farms to Hall and subsequently sold the company to Tecni Trac, SA
Hall and Nouvet currently are serving their first sentence in prisons in the capital city reports La Prensa