Indigenous protestors get Popular Party support

AS CLASHES between Ngäbe –Bugle protestors and riot police continued for a fourth day, the Popular Party came out in support of the demonstrators who are opposing the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project.

Seven people have been injured since the protests began.

On Sunday, April 27 , the party said the protests arise from the lack of consultation with the indigenous community and the corresponding authorities.
“Repeated disrespect and lack of compliance has generated legitimate protests and clashes once again between the National Police and the Ngäbe people," says a People's Party statement.
The group condemns any repression against members of the various communities in the use and exercise of their rights, and requires the State to fulfill its fundamental duty to ensure that people live in a healthy and pollution free environment , where the air, water and food satisfy the requirements for the proper development of human life .
The Party also claims the right of the inhabitants of the regions to share in the benefits that occur in their territory reports La Prensa.
It says there has been no mediating any by the Interior Minister , Jorge Ricardo Fabrega, and in the absence of a conciliatory response Isthmus Generating Company , SA ,the emphasis is on the argument that the project is outside of the region: "however, as is known , the location of the reservoir within the region of the same , clearly violates articles 9, 10, 12 and following the Second Chapter of Act No. 10 of 7 March 1997 . "