Panama Peace Corps volunteers sworn in

FORTY-SIX VOLUNTEERS from the Peace Corps in Panama were sworn in by U.S. Ambassador, Jonathan Farrar, and the director of Peace Corps Panama, Peter La Raus, in a ceremony at the ambassador's residence, Thursday Apri 30.

The ceremony was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA ), the Ministry of Economy and Finance ( MEF) , and the National Environmental Authority ( ANAM).

 The sworn volunteers recently completed training in areas such as language, technical, cultural and personal safety skills. They live in indigenous, rural and urban areas throughout the country working with communities in areas of sustainable agriculture, water and sanitation and education, with the support of government agencies like MEDUCA and ANAM . Volunteers provide their services in the provinces of Bocas del Toro, Chiriqui, Cocle, Colon, Darien , Herrera , Los Santos, Panama and Ngäbe Bugle.
 Ambassador Farrar told the volunteers," The Peace Corps has become a great tradition and a great U.S.vocation, It is hard to think of another American institution that embodies so well the traditions of community service, giving back, and doing what we can to contribute to the global common good. "
 The Peace Corps , created in 1961 as an autonomous institution of the Government of the United States, provides trained human resources to assist in sustainable development programs at the community level . Peace Corps in Panama currently has 207 volunteers in the country , who work in teaching English, community environmental conservation , sustainable agricultural systems and environmental health , distributed nationwide .