Jumbo produce stores closed as CD deputy ousted

TIMING is everything say marketing gurus. Within  three days of the local CD deputy losing his seat in the election, four of five jumbo produce stores in the Chepo District were closed.

The stores, providing lower cost produce to the less privileged members of the community, were touted by President Ricardo Martinelli and his party as symbols of what the government had done for the country.

Since yesterday, several trucks have arrived at the premises to remove the goods that were inside.
Chepo Representative Ramiro Camargo, who lost his bid for re-election as a member of the CD, is the current administrator of the stores.
He confirmed that, they will be closed because they are not profitable.
Several users complained about the decision because the stores provided staple goods at low prices. They claim the decision was related to the defeat of the CD in last Sunday's election.
Residents of Las Margaritas and Tanara have reported that products from the stores have been dumped in a landfill but  Chepo Mayor Olmedo Barrios claimedthat the only thing dumped in the landfill was garbage from the stores.