Extradition request for wanted ex-president still pending

Francisco Flores, El Salvador fugitivePANAMANIAN authorities have not yet received El Salvador 's formal request for the extradition of former President Francisco Flores, charged with alleged corruption in the management of a multimillion dollar donation by the Taiwan government.

Sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that it had not received any formal request by Wednesday, May 14 afternoon, but appropriate action would follow when the request appeared.

Salvadoran newspapers published news on Wednesday that the Attorney General 's Office (FGR) had asked Panama initiate extradition proceedings for the ex-president . They cite the statements of the attorney general of that country, Luis Martínez , confirming the information. " This day FGR asked the judge to initiate extradition proceedings president Flores, required for three offenses in a Salvadoran court" highlights information .
The Salvadoran Minister of Justice and Security , Ricardo Perdomo, reaffirmed that indications showed Francisco Flores was in Panama , but he did not provide more details.

On Tuesday , the director of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation Panama , Manuel Castillo, said that the country had not located Flores.

According to the digital journal elsalvador.com , the former president was seen in Boquete, in the province of Chiriqui, bordering Costa Rica , in the town of Pedasi on properties of the former president Mireya Moscoso.

The blog adds that prior to the arrest warrant issued  Interpol , the former president was spotted in Coco del Mar, in the San Francisco district.

Sources in  Panama's regional  Interpol  office said that as of Wednesdaythere were no reports of the whereabouts of Flores, but they wer stillworkingto determine if he is in Panama.