Starbucks follows the trail of foreign investors in Panama coffee

STARBUCKS will soon be arriving in Panama, but it's not only at the retail end that outsiders are looking ar the coffee business in Panama.

CentralAmericaData Foreign investors continue to pour into the region in search of business opportunities in sectors traditionally handled by Central Americans.


Coffee producers of Dutch or Korean-American nationality were among the winners of the contest of fine coffees "The Best of Panama2014", which involved 84 lots of fine, and traditional coffee.

"Heakyung Burneskis Kang, a Korean-American citizen, was one of the winners, achieving first place in the categories of traditional natural coffees and traditional washed coffees".

"In natural geishas, first place went to the coffee from La Mula Natural CAC, owned by Dutch citizen William Boot, scoring 92.3125, and second position went to the coffee Cantar Dorado Ruiseñor, from the farmer Jackie Mercer Third position went to Elida Geisha Natural, produced by the Lamastus family" 
And soon, at the retail end, Starbucks will be opening in Pana