Martinelli officials claim death threats credible

THE EXECUTIVE secretary of the State Security Council, Alejandro Garuz, described as “credible and real” death threats to the president , Ricardo Martinelli

The threats were also confirmed by Security Minister Jose Raul Mulino on Saturday May 23.

Garuz said thst they have received ” intelligence reports ” that determine the existence of such threats.
He did not specify the content of the reports, but maintained that Martinelli and his family have taken them “very seriously ” .
He denied that special agents of the National Border Service (SENAFRONT) trained to guard the border with Colombia, will he used as escorts Martinelli once leave the Presidency on June 30. This is a function which by law is for the Institutional Protection Service (SPI. The comments came during an official ceremony in David, Chiriquí reports La Prensa.
Mulino said that threats were found as part of intelligence work of the security agencies
Martinelli will amend the law to authorize the service of security officers and bodyguards for his “immediate family” He announced on TVN News that he has has received threats from Deputy Zulay Rodríguez and businessman Jean Figali .
Neither Garuz nor Mulino orwere mentioned in their statements as authors of threats. Rodriguez and a Figali lawyer denied the accusations.