Panama leads continent in animosity to Jews

PANAMA is the country in the American continent that has the most animosity toward people of the Jewish religion, according to the B'nai ' rith Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

According to the results of this survey, 52 percent of adults in Panama are hostile toward Jews, a result much higher than the average of 19 percent in the Americas.

The survey of the U.S. Jewish organization featured interviews with 53,100 people in 101 countries of the world.
In Panama, surveys were taken of 517 people in August 2013.
To reach these conclusions, the ADL asked 11 questions that featured Jewish stereotypes, such as "Are Jews more loyal to Israel or Panama?" A total of 66 percent of the respondents answered in the affirmative.
To the question "Is it true that Jews just care about what happens to other Jews and not what happens to the rest of the people?" 64 percent of those surveyed responded positively.
A total of 52 percent of the respondents said Jews believe they are better people than the rest of the population and 45 percent dislike Jews for their behavior in society.
According to the survey, the level of animosity in the world toward Jews is at its highest level since 1964.
The full results of this survey are available on the ADL website. of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.