Airlines join opposition to shrinking Panama Bay wetlands

PRESIDENT MATINELLI’S last gap attempt to shrink the Panama Bay wetlands got another blow on Friday, May 23, when the Airlines Association of Panama ( ALAP ) joined organizations opposing the reduction.

 The union president, Mauricio Benaím asked the National Assembly to suspend the discussion of the draft law that would reduce the wetlands area until impact studies are made.

Benaím warned that altering the current status of mangrove areas along the coast and surrounding areas to Tocumen International Airport would eliminate a flood barrier
In that sense, it would affect people in the area, the operations of the airport, tourism in general and the economy.
Copa Airlines has expressed support for the ALAP considering it a "matter of national interest." Martinelli had earlier claimed that the elimination of part of the wetlands was needed to allow Copa and the airlines to expand, a statement that was immediately denied by Copa Chairman Pedro Heilbron.
The position of ALAP adds to the environmental organizations like the Center for Environmental Advocacy, Audubon Society of Panama, Foundation for the Protection of the Sea and the National Association for the Conservation of Nature , which reported that the protected area would be reduced by the proposed law.

The reactions occur after the Executive raised a bill for the protection of the wetland Panama Bay. Activists found that depending on the content of the legislative proposal which the Government is interested in is left unprotected about 750 acres where project
The shrinkage of the wetlands area is linked to the desire of developers believed to have close ties with Martinelli