Asylum revoked, Ecuadoran refugee arrested

 A FORMER Ecuadorian Legislator implicated in a triple homicide has been arrested and taken into custody in the Panamanian province of Veraguas


Lara Yépez who was granted asylum in Panama in October 2013l lost his right to asylum on May 19. José Nelson Brandao, Yépez's lawyer, said that he was arrested after a police raid carried out at his residence reports La Prensa.
Yépez was transferred to the offices of the Directorate of Judicial investigation in Santiago under tight security. He will later be taken to Panama City.
The former legislator has been implicated in a triple homicide that was allegedly masterminded by his girlfriend. Panama revoked his asylum due to the fact that the charges are not related to any type of political persecution. He is facing 10 years in prison.
Brandao said that he has filed a request to reconsider the asylum decision which must be resolved before Yépez is extradited to Ecuador.
Brandao said he has also sought assistance from the United Nations, saying Yépez is a victim of human rights abuses.
The lawyer said that his client's life is in danger and he will exhaust all resources to keep him from being returned to Ecuador.